
Teamviewer linux mint
Teamviewer linux mint

teamviewer linux mint

📌Note: To install on RPM systems (including Fedora), if signature verification fails, for general installation instructions on RHEL or CentOS, see the following article:

teamviewer linux mint

# for RPM packages (use dnf if yum is not available): Open with software installation, Open with GDebi package installer, Open with Ubuntu Software Center, or Open with QApt package installer)If you prefer the command line, run# for DEB packages:Īpt install. Below TeamViewer 15.19 Qt 5.6 is recommended for the best experience.Machine requirementsx86 64 bit: amd64 (Intel 64/EM64T)x86 32 bit: SSE2armv7 32 bit: armv7 hardfloat (Raspberry Pi 2+)Choose your packageFor PC: Choose the 64- or 32-bit package according to your system If in doubt, run uname On a 64-bit system, uname -m will print x86_64.For Raspberry Pi: Choose the ARM packageInstalling TeamViewerThe package can usually be installed by double-clicking or right-clicking on the icon and selecting the package manager (e.g. Kubuntu)Mint 19RHEL 7, CentOS 7, Fedora 33SUSE Enterprise 15, openSUSE 15📌 Note: As of TeamViewer 15.19 Qt is not required to be installed. Raspbian)Ubuntu 18.04 and derivates (e.g. The following minimum operating system versions are supported:Debian 9 (incl. GeneralThis article applies to Linux users in all licenses.System requirementsTeamViewer for Linux requires at least Linux 2.6.27 kernel and GLIBC 2.17. Install TeamViewer on Linux - TeamViewer Support

Teamviewer linux mint